Pedagogical Documentation ECED 1200



This morning, I walked up to Penny having a conflict with Jackson and someone else about being inside the tube. Penny argued that the space was enough for 3 people but the two boys said they needed some space and that Penny wasn’t welcome. I assured Penny that she could have a turn when they were done and that it is okay to give people space when they need it. Natasha joined in and went further to ask Penny is she’d like it if she wasn’t given space when she needed it. She didn’t take this well and started crying. I asked Penny if she needed to play somewhere else or to take a walk or get a hug but she said no and continued crying until it eventually died down.

Natasha told me I asked good questions and that the situation was handled well. She also told me sometimes it’s okay to walk away to allow children to self-regulate.

Later this evening, I witnessed Penny in a conflict with L. It seemed they both arrived at the swing at the same time and no one was willing to give it up. The educator present guided them through the process of resolving this issue. She repeated their statements to them and kept asking them how do we solve this problem? Eventually, Penny got distracted and left

Thinking with Gartrell, be a mediator that allows children to resolve their problems on their own.

This section is where students collect observations, pedagogical process, curriculum choices, implementation, documentation, reflection, and notes as they create environments and experiences with children indoors/outdoors. Students will refer to:

  • ECED 1200
  • ECED 1350
  • BC Early Learning Framework (2019) Section 2
    • Living Inquiries (BC ELF, 2019)

Pedagogical documentation (Pedagogical Narration) is a creative process and there are many ways to design and document what you, staff, children and programs are exploring. The following examples may help you plan your Pedagogical Documentation space.

Example: Learning Stories in Practice (Carr & Lee, 2019)

Learning story in practice, story about a nature girl

Example: Josie’s Drips


Example: Mapping


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